On June 19, Spaceflow hosted Community Builders Meetup #2 in Prague. We handpicked the main questions and answers from HubHub's presentation. Everything HubHub team does is specifically designed to create and maximize opportunities between HubHub members and the wider ecosystem.
On June 19, Spaceflow hosted Community Builders Meetup #2 in Prague. We handpicked the main questions and answers from HubHub's presentation. Everything HubHub team does is specifically designed to create and maximize opportunities between HubHub members and the wider ecosystem, and for their educational programs to develop and grow talent. You can find two HubHubs in Prague –Palác ARA and Na Příkopě 14.
HubHub community consists of mostly top tech startups, freelancers and corporations supported by educational events and well-designed space. For us it is very important to give our members an opportunity to grow, that is why we organize regular community and educational events for our members and even for public. To deliver a bigger value, we cooperate with other communities, corporations and tech & educational NGOs such as StartupGrind, Startup Weekend, Data4You etc.
Every community is different and there is no best manual on how to create a community. In HubHub we focus on the right mix of members, mostly tech-oriented, that create the spirit of HubHub, such as founders, students, startups, universities, corporations, and volunteers. Every group of members creates an important role in our community. Our members share the same basic values that make them into a vibrant community. We are trying to support them in every step they make to keep them growing we help them with their events, with adapting their workspace, connecting them with potential investors and mentors etc.
Sure, for instance, Pipedrive and productboard. Pipedrive has joined us in summer 2018 as an individual, currently, the Pipedrive team has more than 20 people and they are still growing. A similar thing happened with productboard as the team had only around 25 people when they joined us in August 2018 and they made it to more than 70 people. They have already overgrown our coworking space and become the best Czech startup of 2019 by Forbes. It is a great success and we keep fingers crossed for them!