One-third of your life is spent at work and especially for the young generation, it is essential to spend this time in a friendly, open environment. Why are communities in your space more important than ever? Let´s find out.
A building consists of not only walls, amenities and technology but most importantly, people. We can make our buildings feel more warm and “human” by taking the time to develop a deep community onsite. This is an effort worth taking. People feel lonely in this technologically hyper-connected world and communities help them reconnect by creating a sense of belonging. One-third of your life is spent at work, it is essential to spend this time in a friendly, open environment. Why are communities in your space so important and how they can improve tenant experience? Let’s find out.
To have a vibrant space full of satisfied tenants is every real estate owner’s dream. For more and more tenants, the most important element is not only free coffee, cool recreational areas or any other individual amenity - but first and foremost, an enjoyable social atmosphere and healthy community interactions within the space.
There is a great opportunity for property managers to build a community of these people who work in the same space and make their building full of life. These communities can be powerful and arise naturally when people spend a lot of time together, meet on a daily basis, have the opportunity to build meaningful relationships and take extra care of their work environment. For owners that go the extra mile to kickstart these relationships, the benefits can be profound.
By organizing in-person and online events and providing smart technologies that empower introductions, discussion and sharing between people, owners can create a space with a deeply collaborative soul. This is an added value for your tenants that will pay off. There is a golden rule of community building: 1+1=3. One never knows what arises from a random encounter between two people.
If your community is healthy and vibrant, your occupants will be more likely to give relevant feedback and insights on how it could further improve, because they actually care about it. If you create an environment where everybody can be heard all you need to do is listen. You might be surprised by the number of people who are willing to help out and share their ideas with you.
Find ways to listen to members, collect feedback, evaluate your community activities and create flexible internal processes that help you prioritize and implement new ideas. Turning feedback into reality will help you with loyalty-building and make your tenants happier. Read our article about collecting feedback.
Competition between spaces is increasing every day. An excellent distinguishing factor between your building and others can be the power of your community, which can not only keep existing tenants engaged but also attract new ones. Copying what’s tangible and physical within a building is easy. Workspace interiors can be replicated, paint colors matched and layouts copied, but the community cannot. If you have a loyal community in your space, shout it out to the world. Be active on social media, collect data from your community, and be transparent and authentic.
Remember that building a community is all about caring for your members and trying new things to keep them engaged. Do not hesitate to start building your own community and don’t give up if something does not go as expected. Developing community is one of the most powerful ways to change the world we live in. Are you up for it?